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Evaluation of the implementation and clinical effects of an intervention to improve medical follow-up and health outcomes for Aboriginal children hospitalised with chest infections

Aboriginal children hospitalised with acute lower respiratory infections (ALRIs) are at-risk of developing bronchiectasis, which can progress from untreated protracted bacterial bronchitis, often evidenced by a chronic (>4 weeks) wet cough following discharge. We aimed to facilitate follow-up for Aboriginal children hospitalised with ALRIs to provide optimal management and improve their respiratory health outcomes.


Antibiotics for the treatment of lower respiratory tract infections in children with neurodisability: Systematic review

Determine the optimal antibiotic choice for lower respiratory tract infection in children with neurodisability. 


Stability Considerations for Bacteriophages in Liquid Formulations Designed for Nebulization

Pulmonary bacterial infections present a significant health risk to those with chronic respiratory diseases including cystic fibrosis and chronic-obstructive pulmonary disease. With the emergence of antimicrobial resistance, novel therapeutics are desperately needed to combat the emergence of resistant superbugs.


EVC-EVC2 complex stability and ciliary targeting are regulated by modification with ubiquitin and SUMO

Ellis van Creveld syndrome and Weyers acrofacial dysostosis are two rare genetic diseases affecting skeletal development. They are both ciliopathies, as they are due to malfunction of primary cilia, microtubule-based plasma membrane protrusions that function as cellular antennae and are required for Hedgehog signaling, a key pathway during skeletal morphogenesis.


Current and novel therapies for management of Acinetobacter baumannii-associated pneumonia

Acinetobacter baumannii is a common pathogen associated with hospital-acquired pneumonia showing increased resistance to carbapenem and colistin antibiotics nowadays. Infections with A. baumannii cause high patient fatalities due to their capability to evade current antimicrobial therapies, emphasizing the urgency of developing viable therapeutics to treat A. baumannii-associated pneumonia.