In Western Australia, around 20% of children have a respiratory illness, including conditions like asthma, cystic fibrosis, and the chronic lung disease of prematurity.
Respiratory function testing is essential for the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of these conditions. However, these tests are highly specialised and require adapted equipment to be suitable for testing in children.
The Respiratory Physiology Platform at the Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre offers access to specialist equipment housed within the outpatient research department at Perth Children’s Hospital, dedicated for research use.
Additional portable equipment is available to enable bedside and community-led research in rural and remote communities, including Indigenous communities where children are disproportionately affected by chronic respiratory conditions.
Through the platform, researchers can access qualified respiratory physiologist staff who provide training, maintain equipment and oversee quality control. Staffing of physiological assessments can additionally be arranged, with prior notice.
The Respiratory Physiology Platform is supported by the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation.