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Which reference equation should we use for interpreting spirometry values for First Nations Australians? A cross-sectional study

To evaluate the suitability of the Global Lung Function Initiative (GLI)-2012 other/mixed and GLI-2022 global reference equations for evaluating the respiratory capacity of First Nations Australians. 


Detection of bile acids in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid defines the inflammatory and microbial landscape of the lower airways in infants with cystic fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic condition characterized by neutrophilic inflammation and recurrent infection of the airways. How these processes are initiated and perpetuated in CF remains largely unknown. We have demonstrated a link between the intestinal microbiota-related metabolites bile acids and inflammation in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from children with stable CF lung disease.


Switching from tobacco cigarettes in very early pregnancy: The effects of in utero e-cigarette exposure on mouse offspring neurodevelopment and behaviour

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are often perceived to be safer than smoking, which has led to some women switching to e-cigarettes during pregnancy. However, the effects of switching from smoking to e-cigarettes on both pregnancy outcomes and the foetus are largely unknown. This study aimed to investigate the effects of switching from tobacco smoking to e-cigarette use in very early pregnancy on birth outcomes, neurodevelopment and behaviour of the offspring.


Ventilatory response and stability of oxygen saturation during a hypoxic challenge in very preterm infants

Preterm infants have immature control of breathing and impaired pulmonary gas exchange. We hypothesized that infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) have a blunted ventilatory response and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2 ) instability during a hypoxic challenge.


Health service utilisation for acute respiratory infections in infants graduating from the neonatal intensive care unit: a population-based cohort study

Despite advances in neonatal intensive care, babies admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) suffer from adverse outcomes. We aim to describe the longer-term respiratory infectious morbidity of infants discharged from NICU using state-wide population-based linked data in Western Australia.