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Helpful phage links

We've compiled a number of helpful links to phage resources in Australia and beyond.

Australia resources


Phage Australia

Phage Australia is a network of phage labs and hospitals across Australia to support patient-monitored phage therapy.


Cure for Cystic Fibrosis

Cure4 Cystic Fibrosis raises funds for medical research through inspiring engagement and genuine partnerships, because cystic fibrosis is a solvable problem.


Critical Infection

Part of the Phage Australia network, Critical Infections are a group of clinical scientists and medical researchers working to provide solutions for people who are critically ill with infections.


Professor Geoffrey Coombs 

Professor Geoffrey Coombs is the Chair of Public Health at the School of Veterinary and Life Sciences, Murdoch University and the Senior Clinical Scientist for PathWest Laboratory Medicine – WA, Fiona Stanley Hospital.


Centre to Impact Anti-microbial Resistance

The Centre to Impact AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance) is forging world-leading, sustainable solutions to combat superbugs.


The Australian Society for Microbiology

The ASM is a not-for-profit organisation, formed in 1959 as a learned society devoted to furthering the science of microbiology. 


The Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand

TSANZ aim to lead, support and enable all health workers and researchers to prevent, cure and relieve disability caused by lung disease.

International resources


World Health Organization

View the World Health Organisation's Fact Sheets on Antibiotic resistance - one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and development today.


Phage Directory (US)

Phage Directory curates a database of phage labs, phages, and host strains to advance research and phage therapy.

bacteriophage-news.png is a virtual space that provides general news, research articles & patient stories on phage therapy.


Creative Biolabs 

Creative Biolabs is a life-science company which produces and supplies biotech products and services for early drug discovery and development, including various phage display libraries.


Phage Therapy, Applications and Research Journal

The only peer-reviewed journal dedicated to bacteriophage research and its applications in medicine, agriculture, aquaculture, veterinary applications, animal production, food safety, and food production.


Ku Luven Laboratory of Gene Technology

A laboratory focused on (comparative) genomics and proteome analysis on a variety of biological systems, primarily aimed at micro-organisms and bacteriophage biology.


Hatfull Lab (US)

The Hatfull lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh studies the molecular genetics of the mycobacteria and their mycobacteriophages.


Nature Portfolio

Nature Portfolio is a division of the international scientific publishing company Springer Nature that publishes academic journals, magazines, online databases, and services in science and medicine.