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Abstract Submissions

For our annual Respiratory Retreat in 2024, we are calling for abstracts and presentation summaries to fill our program under three categories.

For our annual Respiratory Retreat in 2024, we are calling for abstracts and presentation summaries to fill our program under three categories:

1) New Investigator Session

  • Aimed at students
  • 7-minute talk with 7 minutes for Q&A
  • Apply by submitting a 250-word abstract
  • First prize is $1,000. Prizes to be used for professional development activities.

2) Raw Data Presentations

  • Open to everyone
  • 10-minute talk with 10 minutes for Q&A
  • Apply by emailing the title of your proposed presentation and a short (3 sentence) summary of the content (no abstract required)

3) Travel prize pitch

  • Open to students and ECR (no more than 5 years post your highest degree)
  • $1,000 prize.
  • 4-minute talk ,using only 4 slides, with no text, address the following criteria:
  • Purpose of the travel (awarded up to 20 points)
  • Benefit to individual’s career (awarded up to 30 points)
  • Relevance to the Wal-yan Respiratory Centre (awarded up to 30 points)
  • Relevance to individual’s field of work (awarded up to 20 points)

The deadline for abstracts and presentation summaries is 4 October. All abstracts and presentation summaries must be submitted to

Abstracts will be scored by the Quokkammittee. Where conflicts of interest are present, suitable reviewers from across the Centre will be approached to help with scoring.

Scoring is based on our Wal-yan Assessment Scores matrix found in our Internal Funding Policy and Procedure document.