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Accommodation and Food

Researchers are encouraged to stay overnight on the island in shared villas. The cost of shared accommodation is covered by the Centre (up to 70 beds), and the Quokkammittee has pre-booked a number of villas in preparation.


Researchers are encouraged to stay overnight on the island in shared villas.
The cost of shared accommodation is covered by the Centre (up to 70 beds), and the Quokkammittee has pre-booked a number of villas in preparation.

If you want to stay in another type of accommodation this will be at your own cost.

If you have registered and are no longer able to attend, please get in touch ASAP so we can offer your place/shared accommodation to someone else.

Dinner – Thursday Night

After a day focused on the science, Centre affiliates can enjoy some relaxing vibes and banter with a pizza feast at The Rottnest Picture Hall catered by Frankie's on Rotto. 

As in previous years, attendees will be required to pay for their meal, which can be done through the Eventbrite registration page.If you are a presenter the cost of your meal will be covered by the Centre.

Lunches/Morning and Afternoon Tea

Lunch on the Thursday and Friday is to be arranged by individual attendees. There are several eateries on the island, or you can bring your own packed lunch from home.

Morning and Afternoon Tea will be provided at the conference venue.