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Wal-yan Centre welcomes Professor André Schultz as new Head

In an exciting development for the Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre, Professor André Schultz has been appointed as the Centre’s new Head, succeeding Professor Stephen Stick. 

Andre Shultz head and shoulder image, smiling

In an exciting development for the Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre, Professor André Schultz has been appointed as the Centre’s new Head, succeeding Professor Stephen Stick. 

Professor Schultz brings a wealth of experience to the role, currently serving as the Program Head of Respiratory Health at The Kids Research Institute Australia, leader of the BREATH team at the Wal-yan Centre, and paediatric respiratory physician and Clinical Lead for Cystic Fibrosis, Bronchiectasis, and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia at Perth Children’s Hospital.

His commitment to advancing healthcare is evident in his multifaceted approach to improving the health trajectories of children, with a particular emphasis on enhancing lung health in Indigenous children. 

Professor Schultz's research interests encompass a broad spectrum, including lung health in Aboriginal children, biomarkers of lung disease, cell culture-based disease models, and mental health in cystic fibrosis. 

His advocacy for children and families affected by rare lung diseases is exemplified by his leadership roles in various organisations. He is the co-founder and Chair of the multinational chILDRANZ Peer Support Team, a member of the Lung Foundation’s Young Lungs Executive Advisory Committee, and the Deputy Chair of the Steering Committee of the Australian Cystic Fibrosis Data Registry. He is also the President of the Australian Council on Smoking and Health.

Having secured research funding exceeding AU$22 million and publishing over 95 peer-reviewed articles, Professor Schultz is recognized for his contributions spanning airway surface physiology to knowledge translation science. His dedication is further emphasized by holding a prestigious NHMRC/MRFF Investigator grant aimed at preventing permanent lung disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children across Australia.

As the Wal-yan Centre enters its next phase, it is exciting to have Professor Schultz at the helm providing strategic leadership and direction. 

The outgoing Head, Professor Stephen Stick, played an integral role in the Centre's establishment in 2019, laying a solid foundation for its growth. Under his leadership, the Centre has flourished into a hub that unites respiratory researchers, clinicians, and innovation in our pursuit to ensure that all children have healthy lungs for life.

The Wal-yan Centre expresses its gratitude to Professor Stick for his contributions, and warmly welcomes Professor Schultz to lead the Centre into a promising future.

The Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre is a powerhouse partnership between The Kids Research Institute Australia, Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation and Perth Children’s Hospital.