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Great minds come together at Wal-yan Scientific Retreat

Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre team members and special guests travelled to Wadjemup (Rottnest) on 27 and 28 October to spend an intensive two days together learning about, and providing input into, the broad range of research projects underway within the Centre.

Wal-yan team photo on Rottnest beach

Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre team members and special guests travelled to Wadjemup (Rottnest) on 27 and 28 October to spend an intensive two days together learning about, and providing input into, the broad range of research projects underway within the Centre.

The scientific retreat also provided a forum to discuss future collaborations, new ideas and opportunities, and ways to improve the Centre’s research work.

There were many highlights throughout the retreat, including:

  • Attention-grabbing Seed Funding pitches by six researchers aiming to secure $20,000 in funding to help progress their bold ideas to the next stage.

Congratulations to the winners Michelle Schwager (left), Jane Choi (centre) and Renee Ng (absent from image), and Melinda Judge (right), whose award-winning ideas include investigating why some children with acute wheeze have an increased risk of recurrent asthma exacerbation; a creative approach to phage therapy; and the effects of environmental factors on the respiratory health of Australian children.


  • Impressive ‘New Investigator’ presentations by four students within the Wal-yan Centre. Josh Iszatt came away with first prize and Rebecca WaThe Kidsnson was awarded runner up, with both students receiving prize money for professional development activities.

  • Delivery of a heartfelt presentation by Dr Ingrid Laing – researcher, family member and dog lover – about her personal experiences living with cystic fibrosis and the importance of community and consumer involvement in all research work.

  • A special presentation by Dr Kirsty Short from the University of Queensland about the implications of obesity for current and future viral pandemics; and valuable input from Dr Ryan Thwaites from the National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, throughout the conference.

  • Over 25 outstanding presentations on a wide range of childhood respiratory disease areas, including cystic fibrosis, asthma, the effects of being born premature, respiratory infections and viruses, the consequences of our environment and other chronic respiratory diseases.

  • The performance of a beautiful Welcome to Country Smoking Ceremony and Sand and Water Ceremony to start the conference by Walter McGuire and his family, of Go Cultural Aboriginal Tours and Experiences.

Rottnest smoking ceremony.png

The Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre – a powerhouse partnership between The Kids Research Institute Australia, Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation and Perth Children’s Hospital – has a united goal to prevent childhood respiratory illness and ensure that all children have healthy lungs for life.

The annual scientific retreat is a highlight on the Centre’s calendar as it provides a platform to bring great minds together to ensure impact is made through the research taking place.