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Equipment available - PCH outpatient clinics

The Respiratory Physiology Platform at the Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre offers access to specialist equipment housed within the outpatient research department at Perth Children’s Hospital, dedicated for research use.

two people using a vyntus body machine
a person using a vyntus one machine
two people using a hypair feno machine
two people using a vytnus spiro machine
two people using a vyntus pneumo machine
two people using a tremofolo outpatient machine
two people using an ecomedics exhalyzer device

Contact us

Please direct general enquiries to our reception on (08) 6319 1000.

For further information about accessing training or equipment, please contact:

Elizabeth Smith
Program Manager, Children’s Lung Health

Please contact the team early (at the stage of project design and budgeting) to ensure the most appropriate physiological test is selected with adequate funding. The team can provide relevant details for ethics and governance applications.